Why Students Should Take a Break from School
I went from a pre-med student to a college dropout, to a personal coach. If you’re a university student and have been feeling a little stuck or confused about your path moving forward, read on.
Building Discipline: I Did It for My Self-Esteem
I really don’t want to write this blog post right now but I committed to writing one per week. So here I am, writing about not wanting to do things but doing them - for my self-esteem.
Superhuman Syndrome: Are You Exhausted From Work?
Our dreams are limitless. But humans have our limits. So instead of overworking on the verge of burnout, let’s do something different. There is another way.
On Increasing a Sense of Faith and Belonging
While learning to manage my energies, I realized that I need this combination of belonging to self, Oneness + interconnectedness, and faith in order to do ANYTHING in my day.
Does Your Self-Awareness Include Body Awareness?
We already know what to do increase physical energy. But we won’t act until we sit in the discomfort and really feel how it feels to deprive ourselves.
If You’re Thinking, “Meditation Just Isn’t for Me”
“Meditation just isn’t for me. I tried and I just can’t do it.” Trust me, I know the struggle. So for you folks, I’ve got a few pointers. Don't give up so quickly and read on.
The Most Effective Formats for Journaling
It's easy to journal in a way that feeds your pity party, keeps your blood boiling, or leaves you feeling more confused. Do not exercise the practice in a way that does not serve you.
Susceptible to Burnout? You Might Need a Morning Routine.
The alarm goes off. Snooze. Get up. Rush out the door. Arrive to work/school and try to focus throughout the day. Sound familiar? (If so, are you sick of it yet?)
4 Questions to Ask Yourself During Transitions
At every moment, we are becoming new beings and our life happenings guide us through that journey. And yes, we feel ALL the feels through it. So the question is this […]
This Is Your Permission to Fail
fail (v): to be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal. We’ve been doing it since day one. Crying for a parent’s attention and failing [...]
5 Steps for Cultivating Focus
What we do with time is much more critical than making more time. [...]